
Spiffy, a pointer-greyhound mix (a Lurcher), was sent from Heaven to me in November 1997. She was approximately six months old at the time and had already had a tough life, running the mean streets of the city. She arrived with demodetic mange, every internal parasite known to man and beast, a serious case of separation anxiety, and the sweetest, silliest disposition I've ever seen.

My father discovered Spiffy (not her name at the time) dodging cars on a busy street. He caught up with her after a near-miss, scooped her up and carried her back to his office. She had no tags and no collar (shame on those careless owners!). We are pretty sure she wasn't abused, but she had certainly been neglected. My dad thought she was a "spiffy-looking dog", so that's what he called her. After "doing time" for a few days in the local animal shelter to allow her guardians the opportunity to claim her, she came home to me. Her beauty, intelligence and sweetness motivated me to devote a website to her, and her frequent fits of separation anxiety while I was at work inspired me to create her cyber-"Hitlist". (It was good therapy for me after she destroyed most of my possessions.) I eventually had to crate her while I was away from her to protect her and my stuff, and I felt horribly guilty about it. Thankfully Spiffy no longer has separation anxiety and she has become the perfect (almost) canine citizen. We've had no need for the crate since 1998.

I come from a long line of animal lovers and rescuers. Consequently, my home has always been blessed with numerous foundlings of questionable lineage and varying ages and species. I have never bought an animal from a breeder or a pet shop (except the turtles and the canary I had when I was very young) and I probably never will, given the countless strays on the streets and in over-crowded shelters who need, and are deserving of, loving homes every bit as much as a pure-bred dog.

Spiffy's face and temperament are a constant source of amusement for me. She reminds me of the Hanna-Barbera cartoon characters I loved when I was a kid. She just has that look; a look that should be shared with the world. Now go and hug your dog.

Spiffy in a rare moment as a normal dog.

The "Dawgs of the Dead" take a spin.
Although Spiffy's an excellent driver, my insurance rates have SKYROCKETED!

Rusty and Spiffy sport chic, new headgear made by their Aunt Kristin!
Aren't these the most stylish pooches you've ever seen?
Thank you, Kristin, we love you!

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Please pay us a visit!

In Memoriam



Li'l Linnie

Cousin Larry

The Hitlist


The Ghoul Next Door

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Dawg of the Dead™

Rusty "The Chainsaw"

Copyright © 1997-2006 Kyra M. Schon. All rights reserved.
Reproduction of any content, images or sounds, in whole or in part, without express written permission, is prohibited.

Violators will be prosecuted and snarfed.