Karen Cooper

For a time during my teens and early twenties I didn't feel entirely comfortable with my notoriety as the zombie kid. When I was very young, any attention I received as a result of my participation in the film tended to be negative, or, at least, it felt that way to me. I loathed being the center of attention for any reason, so any attention I did get felt creepy even if it was intended as simple curiosity or flattery. Two awful girls (twins --both evil) I went to high school with picked on me mercilessly until someone told them that I'd been in the movie. Suddenly, they wanted to be my best friends. From that point on I didn't trust the motives of people who were just finding out I had a zombie in my closet; I told no one. Night of the Living Dead  hadn't yet attained the cult status it now enjoys, and I felt like an oddity. I had no idea at the time that the film had made such an impact on people, for better or for worse, and I wanted to sweep that aspect of my life aside.

Night of the Living Dead PosterIn 1988 I was invited to attend a Horror/Sci-fi/Comic convention and it changed my view of the whole experience. People there were genuinely interested in the movie, and they didn't make me feel like a freak. It was through the eyes of dedicated horror fans that I began to appreciate the movie on its own merits and was finally able to fullyembrace my inner zombie. Continue reading the Introduction.

Zombie Zen
Zombie Zen

Senses inverted
Hearing, sight fade to mem'ry
Smell, touch, taste ... again

~Judy Hennessey