The Ghoulish Guidance Archive

Exploding The Myth

Dear Ghoulfriend,
I have just re-watched the Night of the Living Dead and notice that the undead are really good about sharing their kills and victims with each other. They each take a piece of 'food' and then leave some for the other ghouls. The dead may be 'all messed up' but they do seem to play nice with each other. Can't we all learn something here?
-Johnny "Stay Outta My Sandbox"

Dear Johnny,
You are extremely insightful and your observations are profound. We could use someone like you in our marketing department. Are you a League member?

The living dead have been plagued with misperceptions for decades, despite the obvious equity and respect with which we regard our brethren. We have been vilified as demons and monsters by much of human society, and as distressing as their opinions are, they come as no surprise. They are unable to see virtue in others because it is so rare in their own species. Having been a part of living society for nearly a decade (I'm not proud of that!), I witnessed enough atrocities and barbarism among humans to last several lifetimes. While one occasionally encounters a good human, as a species they are simply not as evolved as we are. They have to be taught to share with others, while the living dead are charitable by nature. They are to be pitied, but we can help them enjoy more fruitful and meaningful lives by recruiting them.

Thank you for writing, and please contact our personnel office regarding your employment as our advertising director.

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The Ghoul Next Door - Night of the Living Dead 's Little Zombie

The Ghoulish Guidance Archive

Exploding The Myth

Dear Ghoulfriend,
I have just re-watched the Night of the Living Dead and notice that the undead are really good about sharing their kills and victims with each other. They each take a piece of 'food' and then leave some for the other ghouls. The dead may be 'all messed up' but they do seem to play nice with each other. Can't we all learn something here?
-Johnny "Stay Outta My Sandbox"

Dear Johnny,
You are extremely insightful and your observations are profound. We could use someone like you in our marketing department. Are you a League member?

The living dead have been plagued with misperceptions for decades, despite the obvious equity and respect with which we regard our brethren. We have been vilified as demons and monsters by much of human society, and as distressing as their opinions are, they come as no surprise. They are unable to see virtue in others because it is so rare in their own species. Having been a part of living society for nearly a decade (I'm not proud of that!), I witnessed enough atrocities and barbarism among humans to last several lifetimes. While one occasionally encounters a good human, as a species they are simply not as evolved as we are. They have to be taught to share with others, while the living dead are charitable by nature. They are to be pitied, but we can help them enjoy more fruitful and meaningful lives by recruiting them.

Thank you for writing, and please contact our personnel office regarding your employment as our advertising director.

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