The Ghoulish Guidance Archive

The League of the Living Dead

Dear Ghoulfriend,
As a card carrying member of the undead I was wondering .... is the afterlife umemployment rate as high as it is for the living? I'm always looking for new career paths to follow.
Yours in indifference,

Dear Deadweight,
The League of the Living Dead prides itself on 100% employment of its ambulatory membership. The living dead do not outsource, and most League members are self-employed. Our more unfortunate members who are no longer able to fend for themselves are humanely cared for in our chain of "Dead-Tired" rest homes all over the world. We also have excellent transplant and rehab facilities, and we do what we can to get our members back on their feet and resuming gainful employment as soon as they are physically able to do so. There are real advantages to being a member and I encourage all who read this to join us!

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The Ghoul Next Door - Night of the Living Dead 's Little Zombie

The Ghoulish Guidance Archive

The League of the Living Dead

Dear Ghoulfriend,
As a card carrying member of the undead I was wondering .... is the afterlife umemployment rate as high as it is for the living? I'm always looking for new career paths to follow.
Yours in indifference,

Dear Deadweight,
The League of the Living Dead prides itself on 100% employment of its ambulatory membership. The living dead do not outsource, and most League members are self-employed. Our more unfortunate members who are no longer able to fend for themselves are humanely cared for in our chain of "Dead-Tired" rest homes all over the world. We also have excellent transplant and rehab facilities, and we do what we can to get our members back on their feet and resuming gainful employment as soon as they are physically able to do so. There are real advantages to being a member and I encourage all who read this to join us!

More of The League Of The Living Dead

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