Fangoria's Weekend of Horrors: Los Angeles

This year Fangoria's Weekend of Horrors was held at the Los Angeles Convention Center. The weather was fantastic! It was the first time in two years I'd seen palm trees!

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were in attendance the whole weekend. Judy O'Dea posed with both of them.

Do you think my preference in the candidates is too obvious?

Here's Bill Hinzman with his mini-Bill perched on his shoulder. The 12" figure is available now at FearWerx. The "Karen Cooper" figure will be available soon, too!

Guess who this is. Give up?

It's Scott "Flick" Schwartz from A Christmas Story! Remember him?
He's the kid who was "triple-dog-dared" to stick his tongue on the flag pole.

This is Giorgio, the green puppet, with the guy who carries him around.

This is Chris and Lucky. They've both seen better days...

This is a better shot of Chris. It's a brilliant costume!

Here's Chris again as The Creeper.

Part of my Dread Central family.

And the rest of the Dread Central family. It was really good seeing all those guys again!

Here I am with Spiffy's favorite celebrity, Max Brooks. He moderated our panel Sunday afternoon.

The hotel was nice but lunch was really expensive!

This was the view from my hotel room. It was funny seeing Mellon Bank outside my window since they're originally a Pittsburgh bank.

This is just a pretty flower on a tree. Ya gotta stop and smell the roses, right?